Hampton Roads Stallions Set to Join ABA
Indianapolis, IN. – The American Basketball Association (ABA) today announced that the Hampton Roads Stallions are set to play beginning this season. “This is a great fit for our Mid-Atlantic Division,” stated Joe Newman, ABA CEO. “The Stallions will be playing the Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina teams and should be very competitive under the leadership of David Rodgers. We’re very pleased to have David and his team in the ABA.”
David Rodgers earned his BS in Physical Education,= a Masters of Science in Sports Marketing, and is currently pursuing his PhD in Educational Leadership. He played college football at Virginia State University from 2002-2006 and later because the wide receiver coach at the VSU.
He has held previous positions as a physical education instructor, assistant coach and head coach on the high school and university levels in both football and basketball. “I believe my coaching background and personal sports experiences speaking highly of my leadership skills in the sports arena,” stated Rodgers. “I know that we will have a very competitive team in a tough division of the ABA – and we certainly have a commitment to our community. We will make Hampton Roads proud.”