Basketball Grandma shoots 200 shots a day…

Zue Shumei

As any serious baller knows, the only way to improve your game is to hit the court and put in the time shooting, even if it’s five minutes, it’s better than nothing…

Here’s a video story that will put most of us to shame. Zue Shumei, 75-years young, has had a routine that she’s faithfully kept for the last 23 years that begins with a trip to her local playground to toss up 200 shots. As you’ll see on the video, she’s not standing on the arc chucking up bombs, nor is she running around working on her jumper, but what she’s doing is keeping herself in shape and in the process has developed into an accurate shooter from the distances she can shoot from. Students from her area have been so inspired by her that they’ve stepped up to help her out as she’s got a few health problems and as is the case with many as they get up in their years, she struggles financially.

As Ms. Shumei shows, one of the greatest things about basketball is that it’s a sport you can keep active with as long as you truly want to and the health benefits can be remarkable. More importantly for young hoopsters, next time you don’t feel like heading to the court to get your shots in, think about Zue because you know that she’s already been there today.

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